Family 11-e

English Families

1 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 1g 1h 1i 1j 1k 1l 1m 1n 1o 1p 1r 1s 1t 1u 1w 1x 2 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 2g 2h 2i 2j 2k 2l 2m 2n 2o 2p 2r 2s 2t 2u 2w 3 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 3g 3h 3i 3j 3k 3l 3m 3n 3o 4 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 4g 4h 4i 4j 4k 4l 4m 4n 4o 4p 4r 5 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 5g 5h 5i 5j 6 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 6x 7 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 8 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f 8g 8h 8i 8j 8k 9 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f 9g 9h 10 10a 10b 10c 10d 10e 11 11a 11b 11c 11d 11e 11f 12 12a 12b 12c 12d 12e 12f 12g 13 13a 13b 13c 13d 13e 14 14a 14b 14c 14d 14e 14f 15 15a 15b 15d 16 16a 16b 16c 16d 16e 16f 16g 16h 17 17a 17b 17c 17d 18 18a 19 19a 19b 19c 20 20a 20b 20c 20d 21 21a 22 22a 22b 22c 22d 23 23a 23b 24 25 26 27 27a 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74


Love Wisely

SCANDAL (GB) b f 1822 Selim (GB) ..... 11-e
     Sir Benjamin (GB) b c 1829 Whisker (GB)
     Elopement (GB) ch f 1839 Velocipede (GB)
     |     Flight (GB) ch f 1846 Jereed (GB)
     |     |     Retreat (GB) ch f 1857 Orlando (GB)
     |     |     |     Lady Margarette (GB) ch f 1872 Honiton (GB)
     |     |     |     |     Santa Lucia (GB) ch f 1878 Lord Lyon (GB)
     |     |     |     |     |     Aurelia (USA) ch f 1884 Algerine (USA)
     |     |     |     |     |          Ave Maria (USA) ch f 1893 Salvator (USA)
     |     |     |     |     |               Devotional (USA) b f 1902 Rapallo (GB)
     |     |     |     |     |                    Devoted (USA) ch f 1906 Golden Garter (GB)
     |     |     |     |     |                         FALKLAND (CHI) b c 1918 Pioneer (FR) ..... CHI D
     |     |     |     |     Devonia (GB) b f 1882 Chevron (GB)
     |     |     |     |     |     Alberta (GB) ch f 1887 Albert Victor (GB)
     |     |     |     |     |          Alvescot (GB) ch c 1897 Raeburn (GB)
     |     |     |     |     Martley (GB) ch c 1884 Doncaster (GB)
     |     |     |     Vanish (GB) b f 1874 Honiton (GB)
     |     |     |          Gone (GB) b f 1878 The Lizard (GB)
     |     |     |          |     Lovelorn (GB) ch f 1888 Philammon (IRE)
     |     |     |          |     |     LOVE WISELY (GB) ch c 1893 Wisdom (GB) ..... GB AGC
     |     |     |          |     Departure (GB) b f 1895 Balmoral (GB)
     |     |     |          |          Miphanzi (GB) b f 1904 Raeburn (GB)
     |     |     |          |               Antonio (SPA) br c 1918 Black Jester (GB)
     |     |     |          Veracity (GB) b c 1884 Wisdom (GB)
     |     |     |          Right-Away (GB) b c 1887 Wisdom (GB)
     |     |     Fidget (GB) ch f 1860 The Fallow Buck (GB)
     |     |          May Queen (GB) ch f 1865 Kettledrum (GB)
     |     |               Merry May (GB) ch f 1873 Knight Of The Garter (GB)
     |     |               |     MAY POLE (FR) b f 1886 Silvio (GB) ..... FR 1G
     |     |               |          Marie Antoinette (FR) gr f 1896 Le Sancy (FR)
     |     |               |          |     Marie Aimee (ARG) gr f 1918 Let Fly (IRE)
     |     |               |          |          Mariette (ARG) gr f 1923 Fair Play (ARG)
     |     |               |          |               Maria (ARG) gr f 1940 Magnax (ARG)
     |     |               |          |                    Gay Ega (ARG) gr f 1950 Gay Boy (ARG)
     |     |               |          |                         Gran Corrida (ARG) gr f 1961 Prince D'Or (GB)
     |     |               |          |                              Real Corrida (ARG) ch f 1968 Escudo Real (ARG)
     |     |               |          |                                   Regidor (ARG) ch c 1977 Pepenador (USA)
     |     |               |          Saint Saulge (FR) gr c 1899 Le Sancy (FR)
     |     |               |          ROSE DE MAI (FR) b f 1900 Callistrate (FR) ..... FR 1G O
     |     |               |          |     Eglantine (FR) br f 1906 Perth (FR)
     |     |               |          |     |     Dianella (FR) br f 1916 NImbus (FR)
     |     |               |          |     |     |     Divine Etoile (FR) b f 1927 Mont-Saint-Eloi (FR)
     |     |               |          |     |     |          Cassiopée (FR) b f 1937 Antenor (FR)
     |     |               |          |     |     |               MOKASSZIN (HUN) b c 1955 Macao (HUN) ..... HUN SL
     |     |               |          |     |     Rose Prince (FR) b c 1919 Prince Palatine (IRE)
     |     |               |          |     |     Gladiatrix (FR) br f 1927 Cannobie (GB)
     |     |               |          |     |          Queanladdie (FR) b f 1943 Motrico (FR)
     |     |               |          |     |               Court Circular (GB) ch f 1949 Court Martial (GB)
     |     |               |          |     |                    London Life (GB) ch f 1961 Panaslipper (IRE)
     |     |               |          |     |                         Miralife (GB) ch f 1967 Miralgo (GB)
     |     |               |          |     |                         |     MIRALLA (IRE) ch f 1972 Allangrange (IRE) ..... IRE 1G
     |     |               |          |     |                         |     Miratack (GB) ch f 1974 Right Tack (IRE)
     |     |               |          |     |                         |          Miami Life (IRE) ch f 1981 Miami Springs (IRE)
     |     |               |          |     |                         |               Native Joy (IRE) b f 1991 Be My Native (USA)
     |     |               |          |     |                         |                    JAGODIN (IRE) b g 2000 Be My Guest (USA) ..... SWE SL
     |     |               |          |     |                         DICKENS HILL (IRE) ch c 1976 Mount Hagen (FR) ..... IRE 2G
     |     |               |          |     Menthe (FR) ch f 1916 Bachelor's Button (IRE)
     |     |               |          |     |     Melanie (FR) ch f 1926 Brabant (FR)
     |     |               |          |     |          Agathe (FR) b f 1936 Amfortas (FR)
     |     |               |          |     |               AGLAE GRACE (FR) br f 1947 Mousson (FR) ..... FR O
     |     |               |          |     |                    SOLTIKOFF (FR) br c 1959 Prince Chevalier (FR) ..... FR A
     |     |               |          |     |                    Your Grace (FR) b f 1964 Sicambre (FR)
     |     |               |          |     |                    |     Exbury Grace (FR) br f 1970 Exbury (FR)
     |     |               |          |     |                    |          No Disgrace (IRE) br f 1976 Djakao (FR)
     |     |               |          |     |                    |               NO PASS NO SALE (IRE) br c 1982 Northfields (USA) ..... FR 2G
     |     |               |          |     |                    Aglae (FR) b f 1965 Armistice (FR)
     |     |               |          |     |                    |     VAL DE L'ORNE (FR) b c 1972 Val De Loir (FR) ..... FR D
     |     |               |          |     |                    Dame De Grace (FR) b f 1968 Armistice (FR)
     |     |               |          |     |                         RED LORD (GB) b c 1973 Red God (USA) ..... FR 2G
     |     |               |          |     Mauve (FR) ch f 1920 Fauche Le Vent (FR)
     |     |               |          |          Gris Perle (FR) ch c 1929 Brabant (FR)
     |     |               |          Genevieve (FR) b f 1905 Gardefeu (FR)
     |     |               |               GALEJADE (FR) b f 1916 Cadet Roussel (FR) ..... FR 1G
     |     |               Miss Mabel (GB) br f 1877 Knight Of The Garter (GB)
     |     |                    TRAYLES (GB) ch c 1885 Restless (GB) ..... GB AGC
     |     |                    Lady Wharles (GB) br f 1887 Charibert (GB)
     |     |                         Mademoiselle Edith (RUS) ch f 1899 St. Angelo (GB)
     |     |                         |     Mary Third (RUS) b f 1915 Louviers (GB)
     |     |                         |          Trilby (SU) ch f 1923 Tagor (RUS)
     |     |                         |               TREL (SU) ch f 1937 Budynok (SU) ..... RUS O
     |     |                         |               TABOR (SU) ch c 1938 Budynok (SU) ..... RUS D
     |     |                         PRINCESSA LOUISA (RUS) br f 1903 Galtee More (IRE) ..... RUS O
     |     Bay Rosalind (GB) b f 1849 Orlando (GB)
     |          Queen Elizabeth (GB) ch f 1859 Autocrat (GB)
     |               Plebeian (GB) b c 1872 Joskin (GB)
     |               Parvenu (GB) b f 1873 Joskin (GB)
     |               |     Surf (GB) b f 1878 Lifeboat (GB)
     |               |          Seaweed (AUS) ch f 1883 Coltness (GB)
     |               |               MERMAN (AUS) ch c 1892 Grand Flaneur (AUS) ..... GB AGC
     |               Queen Consort (GB) ch f 1875 St. Albans (GB)
     |                    THUNDER QUEEN (AUS) ch f 1893 Thunderbolt (NZ) ..... AUS VRC O
     Buzz (GB) ch f 1841 Muley Moloch (GB)
     |    Amazonian (GB) b f 1860 Orlando (GB)
     |         Minerva (AH) b f 1875 Peon (GB)
     |              Nora (GER) b f 1889 Peter (GB)
     |                   Signorina (GER) ch f 1906 Saphir (GER)
     |                        Madam (GB) b f 1918 Sunstar (GB)
     |                             Mafalda (GER) br f 1927 Wallenstein (GER)
     |                             |     MARSHALL VORWARTS (GER) b c 1935 Oleander (GER) ..... GER SL
     |                             |     MAGNAT (GER) br c 1938 Astérus (FR) ..... GER 2G D
     |                             Meer (GER) ch f 1938 Oleander (GER)
     |                             |     Memi (GER) ch f 1949 Airolo (GER)
     |                             |          Mona Lisa (GER) b f 1958 Birkhahn (GER)
     |                             |               Mona Lena (GDR) b f 1973 Bernardus (GER)
     |                             |                    Morgenröte (GDR) b f 1986 Aveiro (GDR)
     |                             |                         Mondalita (GER) br f 1994 Alkalde (GER)
     |                             |                         |     MAXIMOOL (GER) bbr c 2009 Mamool (IRE) ..... SLO D
     |                             |                         MARIELLA (GER) b f 2001 Zinaad (GB) ..... SLO 1G
     |                             Mittelmeer (GER) ch f 1939 Oleander (GER)
     |                                  Messina (GER) b f 1944 Octavianus (GER)
     |                                       Mayfair (GER) b f 1956 Organdy (GER)
     |                                            MAIN (GDR) b c 1964 Baal (GER) ..... GDR D
     |                                            MAIREGEN (GDR) br c 1970 Carolus (GDR) ..... GDR D
     Iago (GB) b c 1843 Don John (GB)
Merman (AUS)
According to the Australian Stud Book [6:413] Merman's grandam, Surf, was bred to Rosicrucian in 1882. She proved barren and was covered by Coltness and exported to Australia, where she foaled Seaweed, a chesnut filly, in 1883.

Contrarily the General Stud Book [15:459] records that Surf produced her first foal (by Coltness) in 1882, was then covered by Rosicrucian and exported that year.

Merman was sent to England in 1897 and there won his share of races, including the Cesarewitch, the Jockey Club Cup Stakes (now the British Champions Long Distance Cup), the Goodwood Cup, the Goodwood Plate (now the Goodwood Stakes) and the Ascot Gold Cup.


Magnat (GER)
1941 Grosser Preis Von Baden

Merman (AUS)
1900 Ascot Gold Cup

Val De L'Orne (FR)
1975 Prix Du Jockey Club