Family A12

American Families

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TRISTRAM SHANDY MARE (f Tristram Shandy [Old])
     Celer Mare (f Celer [Meade's])
          Dion Mare (f Dion*)
               Knowsley Mare (f Knowsley*)
                    Diana (f Virginian)
                         Emuckfaw (br f 1838c Mambrino)
                              Springbrook (ch f 1859 Lexington)
                                   Full Cry (ch f 1866 Vandal)
                                   |    Classmate (b f 1874 Planet) Louisville Ladies S
                                   |    Checkmate (b c 1875 Glen Athol*) Saratoga Cup
                                   |    Messmate (b f 1879 Alarm)
                                   |         Selika (b f 1891 Spendthrift) Kentucky Oaks
                                   |              Ameeras (b f 1899 Florist*)
                                   |                   Zoola (ch f 1907 St Gatien*)
                                   |                        Pilgrim (b c 1917 Garry Herrmann) Remsen H
                                   |                        Runantell (b c 1919 Broomstick) Hartsdale H
                                   |         La Gascogne (b f 1893 Gascon)
                                   |              Arcite (ch c 1904 Alvescot*) Autumn S
                                   |         Shipmate (b f 1888 Spendthrift)
                                   |              First Mate (ch c 1893 Fonso)
                                   |              Fon Mate (ch f 1894 Fonso)
                                   |                   Froken (ch f 1900 Halma)
                                   |                        Direct (ch c 1906 Don de Oro) Cincinnati Trophy, Seagram Cup
                                   |    Longmate (b f 1880 Longfellow)
                                   |         Workmate (b f 1887 Bulwark)
                                   |              Ben Eder (b c 1893 Fonso) Clark S, Oceanview H
                                   |              Chum (br f 1902 Ladas)
                                   |                   Ponce de Leon (b c 1914 Ballot)
                                   |                   Prunella (br f 1912 Ornament)
                                   |                        Nelle Yorke (b f 1916 Uncle)
                                   |                             Sweet (bbl f 1927 Sweep)
                                   |                                  Vice Versa (b f 1933 Polymelian*)
                                   |                                       Contradiction (b c 1939 Insco) Pimlico Futurity
                                   |                                       Visage (b f 1947 Bleu d' Or)
                                   |                                            Dartmoor (b c 1955 Marchons*) Hitchcock Stp H
                                   Silent Friend (ch c 1869 Australian*)
                                   Spirit (ch f 1876 Australian*)
                                   |    Paul Kauvar (b c 1894 Pirate of Penzance*) Preakness S
                                   Springbranch (ch f 1874 Australian*) Bluegrass S
                                   |    Brookwood (ch c 1888 King Alfonso)
                                   Verbena (ch f 1879 Vigil)
                                        Violet (b f 1884 Ten Broeck)
                                             Carry Pearsall (b f 1890 Deceiver*)
                                                  Bethlehem Star (b c 1895 Bersan) Speed H
                                        Michael (ch c 1888 Glen Athol*) St Louis Derby
                                        Frank Thompson (b c 1895 Linden) Cincinnati Hotel H
Tristram Shandy Mare

The family descends from Diana, bred by the Reverend Hardy M Cryer and owned by General Andrew Jackson of Tennessee.