Family A11

American Families

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BRIMMER QUARTER MARE (f Brimmer [Bess's])
     Sir Charles Mare (f Sir Charles)
          Minerva Anderson (ch f 1837 Luzborough)
               Miriam (ch f 1851 Glencoe)
               |    Magenta (b f 1857 Yorkshire)
               |         Queen Victoria (ch f 1866 Lexington)
               |              Albert (ch c 1875 Australian) Champagne S
               |         Mademoiselle (b f 1870 Red Eye)
               |              Manila (b f 1879 Springbok)
               |                   Anna Garth (ch f 1893 King Eric)
               |                        Anna Russel (b f 1902 Russel)
               |                             Race Rock (ch c 1912 Rock Sand) Ebor H
               |         Duke of Magenta (b c 1875 Lexington) Belmont S
               |    Mamona (b f 1858 Sovereign)
               |         Rebecca Rowett (b f 1879 Uncle Vic)
               |              Quick (b f 1888 Panique)
               |                   Graziella (ch f 1895 Aintree)
               |                        Grasp (ch f 1913 Ultimus)
               |                             Greedy Girl (b f 1926 Vulcain)
               |                                  Mattie J (br f 1937 Gallant Sir)
               |                                       Jet Master (b c 1949 Jet Pilot) National Stallion S
               |    Merrill (ch c 1863 Lexington) Travers S
               |    Marion (ch c 1864 Lexington)
               |    Grecian Bend (b f 1867 Lexington)
               |         La Belle Helene [ex-Bustle] (b f 1875 Glenelg)
               |              Virgelene (b f 1887 Virgil)
               |                   Radford (bl f 1897 Falsetto)
               |         Fall's City (b c 1883 King Alfonso)
               |    Miranda (b f 1869 Lexington)
               |         Malaga (b f 1878 Australian)
               |              Manola (b f 1882 Glenelg)
               |                   Etta (bbr f 1897 Falsetto) Kentucky Oaks
               |         Carey (b c 1884 King Alfonso) Travers S
               |    Neecy Hale (ch f 1873 Lexington) Kentucky Oaks
               Haydes (ch f 1853 Glencoe)
               |    Rapidan (b f 1860 Epsilon)
               |          Miss Howard (b f 1867 Bob Howard)
               |              Belle of the West (b f 1877 Big Fellow)
               |                   Belle Broeck (b f 1884 Ten Broeck)
               |                        Quiver (b f 1890 Faustus)
               |                             Tremble (b f 1897 Volante)
               |                                  Il Terror (ch c 1908 Borgia)
               |                             Heno (b c 1899 Falsetto or Henry Young) Matron S
               |                             Arrowshaft (bbl f 1906 Ogden)
               |                                  Minerva (bl f 1922 Ambassador 4th)
               |                                       Faireno (b c 1929 Chatterton) Belmont S
               |                                       Lady Wisdom (b f 1932 Sir Gallahad)
               |                                       |    Model Beauty (b f 1942 Blenheim)
               |                                       |         Belle Jeep (b f 1949 War Jeep)
               |                                       |              Jewel's Reward (b c 1955 Jet Jewel) Wood Memorial S
               |                                       |         Late Model (bl f 1950 War Jeep)
               |                                       |              Our Model (b f 1960 Johns Joy)
               |                                       |                   Oulanova (b f 1972 Nijinsky)
               |                                       |                        Celestial Dancer (b c 1979 Godswalk) Prix de Meautry
               |                                       |         Marie Ia Veau (b f 1961 War Jeep)
               |                                       |              Elsie Marley (b f 1972 Drone)
               |                                       |                   Brigitte la Veau (b f 1982 Romolo Augusto) Premio Toscana
               |                                       Dancing Dora (br f 1933 Sir Gallahad)
               |                                       |    Prince Simon (b c 1947 Princequillo) Newmarket S
               |                                       |    Simona (b f 1952 Princequillo)
               |                                       |         Lady Vi-E (b f 1967 Swaps) Kentucky Oaks
               |                                       Wise Lady (b f 1936 Gallant Fox)
               |                                            Mel Cavano (b f 1943 Isolater)
               |                                                 Later Mel (ch f 1961 Rico Monte) Canadian Oaks
               |                                                      Later Miss (b f 1966 Mister Jive)
               |                                                           Regent Miss (ch f 1978 Vice Regent) Canadian Oaks
               |                                                                Deputy Governor (ch c 1984 Master Willie) Eddie Read H
               Sequin (b c 1854 Sovereign)
               Magnetta (br f 1858 Mahomet)
                    Impudence (ch f 1870 Lexington)
                    |    Sweetbriar (b f 1881 Virgil)
                    |         Briar Sweet (ch f 1895 Sir Modred)
                    |              Bouquet ( b f 1905 Kinley Mack)
                    |                   Flowerful (br c 1920 Ypsilanti 2nd) Queen's Plate
                    The Pet (b f 1871 Vandal)
                    |    Plaything (b f 1875 Alarm)
                    |         Tournament (b c 1887 Sir Modred) Lawrence Realization S
                    Malvern (b c 1874 Melbourne Jr )
Brimmer Quarter Mare

The family descends from Minerva Anderson, bred in Alabama and owned by Joseph G Boswell of Kentucky.