Fox, from the Sportsman's Pocket Companion,
published circa 1750. In this portrait he appears to have
three white socks.

A painting by an anonymous artist of the "English School"
depicts Fox with two socks. The stone in the foreground is
clearly marked "Fox".
 Although Fox is
recorded as a bay in all the old authorities, a Seymour painting
portrays Fox as a chesnut. The authorities have on occasion been
wrong and it has not been possible as
yet to prove that Fox was not a

Sire Line

Darcy's White Turk

Fox b c 1714 (Clumsey - Bay Peg,
by Leedes Arabian). Sire Line
White Turk. Family 6. Fox was bred by Sir Ralph
Assheton (1651-1716), 2nd Baronet of Middleton, who had acquired two
mares from Englebert Leedes, both of whom were covered by Clumsey, one of which
produced Fox and the other Fox Cub (b c 1714). Sir Ralph's estate,
Whalley Abbey, in Lancashire, is thought to be the source of the breed
of cattle called British Whites. Fox was later acquired by Matthew
Lister, John Manners (1676-1721), the 2nd Duke of Rutland, Mr
Cotton and eventually the Earl of Portmore.
His description in the Sportsman's Pocket
Companion reads:
The Portraiture of Fox, The Property of
his Grace the Duke of Rutland
Fox was in high Esteem for
Running & likelwise [sic] for a Stallion he was bred by Sir Ralph
Assheton Bart, but was afterwards the Property of Esqr Lister of
Yorkshire he was got by Sir George Warburton's Clumsey who was
bred by Mr Wiks [sic] & got by Old Hautboy bred by the Darcy Family
out of a Royal Mare got by the Darcy White Turk. Fox's Dam was
Bay Peg his Grand Dam Young Bald Peg both bred by Mr Leeds & got
by his Arabian Sire of Leedes, his Great Grand Dam was the Dam of
Spanker Son of the Darcy Yellow Turk his Great Great Grand Dam
was the Old Moorocco [sic] Mare call'd Old Bald Peg She was bred by
General Fairfax out of a Foreign Mare & his Moorocco Barb.
Fox 1719 when 5 Years Old won the Ladies Plate at York then
the Property of Esqr Lister who disposed of him to his Grace the
Duke of Rutland in whose Possession he beat the Duke of
Wharton's Stripling at Newmarket for a Considerable sum; he won
2 King's Plates at Newmarket & 1 at Lewes & receiv'd 250 Guineas
forfeit of the Duke of Wharton's Swallow; he then became the
Property of Esqr Cotten [Cotton] of Sussex in whose hands he won a Prize of
300 Guineas at Quainton Meadow, he beat Lord Hilsboroughs Witty
G a Match for near 20000 Pounds he receiv'd 100 Guineas forfeit
of Lord Hilsboroughs Witty G, he beat Lord Drogheda's Snip &
3 Matchbox [Matches] for Considerable Sums, and Mr Frampton's
Miss Worsop
200 Guineas: he was Sire of several Excellent Horses, he made
his Exit 1738 in his 23 Year, then the Property of the Earl of Portmore.
Fox raced mostly at Newmarket,
from 1719 to 1723, for a number of owners. In Lord Portmore's stud he
produced a number of good sons, including Cub
(ch c 1739), sire of the famous Cub Mare*, an early American
matriarch and ancestress of Nearco (br c 1935), Merry
Andrew (b c 1739) and Bolton Goliah (b c 1730). He also sired the
three useful brothers, Quiet Cuddy (ch c 1727), the Devonshire
Conqueror (gr c 1725) and the Appleyard
Conqueror (ch g 1728). Dabster*
(ch c 1736) appears in early traditional Virginia pedigrees.
His daughters proved of equal
worth. Meliora (ch f 1729) produced Tartar (b c 1743
Croft's Partner), the sire of
King Herod
(b c 1758), a Champion Sire and progenitor of the King Herod
sire line.
Sister to Slipby (br f 1738) produced the Champion Sire
(bl c 1750 Snip) and was ancestress of the St Leger winner and excellent
sire Hambletonian (b c 1792
King Fergus). Fox Mare produced Janus* (ch c 1846) who
left an indelible mark on American bloodstock. Other unnamed Fox Mares
were foundation stock in Family 29,
Family 31 and
33, as was The Cat Mare in Family
A half brother to Basto1
(br c 1703 Byerley Turk), Fox was Champion Sire in 1731 and 1735. He died in the
spring of 1738.
1 Basto and Fox are not said to be from the same mare, Bay Peg, until
the 5th Edition of Volume 1 of the General Stud Book published in 1891. There is no
indication, either in advertisements or on their portraits, that Basto
and Fox were half-brothers, although it seems likely that they both eventually trace to Old
Bald Peg.
Fox |
Clumsey |
Hautboy |
White Turk |
Mare |
Darcy's Pet Mare |
Turk Mare |
Bay Peg |
Arabian |
Bald Peg |
Spanker |
Morocco Mare |
Race Record |
In 1719
starting for Matthew Lister he won a £30 Ladies'
Plate at York over 4 miles, defeating Lord
Lonsdale's Bay Jack (br c 1714 Lonsdale
Arabian), the Duke of Ancaster's bay colt
Blacklegs and 9 others, with all carrying 10st. |
In 1720,
running for the Duke of Rutland, Fox won a 400gs
match at Newmarket in April beating the Duke of
Wharton's Stripling (br c 1714 Merlin). In
October he won the King's Plate at Newmarket
over Lord Rosse's Hip (Old
Scar) and 2 others. |
In 1721 at Newmarket
in April Fox
received a 250 guineas forfeit from the Duke of Wharton's Swallow. He
then won a King's Plate at the same meeting, run in 4 mile heats, beating
Hip for the second time, and also Mr Smith's
Terror. Sold to Mr Panton in 1721, Fox was
raced by his friend Mr Cotton of Sussex, for whom he won a stakes
at Quainton Meadow and a number of matches. |
In 1722,
running for Mr Cotton, he won a 200gs match
over 3 miles at Newmarket in April from Lord
Hillsborough's Merryman (b g 1714), who was also
called the Witty Gelding. An entry in the 2nd Duke of Devonshire's trial book notes that on
May 10, 1722, "Chillders & Fox
run over ye long corse, Chillders carried 9 st & Fox 8 st Chillders beat Fox a distance & half" [Early Records:160].
Later in October he won a 200gs match at
Newmarket over 4 miles in which he beat Lord
Drogheda's Snip Mare. The same day he won 150gs
match from Snip Mare over 6 miles. |
In 1723 Fox was given another stiff challenge. He defeated the Snip Mare in a
300gs match at Newmarket in March
over a distance of 8 miles, then on the same day, he lost a 200gs
match to Tregonwell Frampton's Miss Wassop (ch f Snake) over 2 miles.
This was his last race. |
Notable Offspring |
Dabster (GB)* |
ch c 1736 (Fox - Mare, by
Hobgoblin - Mare, by
Spanker - Mare, by
Hautboy). Sire Line
White Turk. The American Stud Book has this horse
recorded as by "Hobgoblin, and imported into
Virginia about 1741" [AmSB 1:16] based on Edgar's
copy of this pedigree, which had "been eaten by
some insect." This was corrected by Edgar in the
American Turf Register of 1835 [E2:34]
which had been missed by Sanders Bruce, the
compiler of the American Stud Book. He started for
Lord Portmore at Epsom in May of 1742 and
running for Mr Underwood was among the field
for £50 at Reading in July of the same year. In
the autumn of 1742 he was sent to the Virginia
stud of John Carter (d. in 1742), after which Dabster entered the stud of Carter's son-in-law
William Byrd III. Dabster is seen as a cross in
early Virginia pedigrees. He was alive as late
as 1761.
Goliah (GB) |
[Bolton] b
c 1730 (Fox - Mare, by
Graham's Champion). Sire Line
White Turk. Family 65. Bred by Mr Hutchinson he was later purchased by the
Duke of Bolton. In 1736 he won the King's Plate at
Winchester in May, beating in 2 heats Mr Panton's
Favourite, Mr Leigh's Hopewell and Mr Fleetwood's
Hercules. Won the King's Plate at Salisbury in June,
distancing Lord Portmore's Tom-Come-Tickle-Me and Mr Fauquier's
Plunder. Four days later he won the King's Plate at
Guildford, beating in 1 heat Lord Halifax's Partner. Won
the King's Plate at Nottingham in July, beating Mr Bethell's Whitefoot and Lord Gower's
Blueskin, both of whom were withdrawn after the 1st
heat. Won the King's Plate at York, also in July,
beating in 1 heat Mr Bright's Bathsheba, whilst
distancing 2 others. Walked over for the King's Plate at
Lincoln. Walked over for the King's Plate at Newmarket.
In 1737 he finished 2nd for the King's Plate at
Newmarket in April, won by the Duke of Devonshire's
Plaistow (gr c 1730 Childers). Mr Pick notes that in 1736 only 10 Royal
Plates for six year olds were held in England and that Goliah
and Merry Andrew between them won nine
for the Duke of Bolton; the remaining plate was won by
Mr Hartley's Whitefoot. Following his retirement from
the turf Goliah was purchased by Mr Trout of
Lincolnshire for a stallion. In the stud he got Mr Vavasour's Champion (b c 1739), Mr Hunt's Jigg (ch c
1741) and other good runners.
Merry Andrew (GB) |
c 1730 (Fox - Bonny Lass, by Bay
Bolton). Sire Line
White Turk. Family 1-a. Bred by the Duke of Bolton, he was later owned by Sir
Edward O'Brien and raced and covered in Ireland. In 1735
he won a 700gs Stakes at Newmarket in April, beating 5
others. Won the 800gs October Stakes at Newmarket,
beating Sir Michael Newton's Kouli Khan, the Duke of
Somerset's Miss March, Lord Gower's Caesar and 4 others.
In 1736 he won the King's Plate at Lewes. Walked over
for the King's Plate at Canterbury. Won the King's Plate
at the Curragh, beating the celebrated King's Plate
winner Miss Proctor [ex-Smallhopes] (b f 1733
Bartlet's Childers),
Lord Antrim's Ragman (ch c 1734 Young Greyhound) and
Lord Massereene's Shepherdess (gr f 1734 Hampton Court
Grey Arabian). He also won a 60gs Plate and other prizes
in Ireland. In the stud he got, among others, Sir Edward
O'Brien's Miss Doe (gr f 1746c) and Fribble (b c 1746).
Quiet Cuddy (GB) |
ch c
1727 (Fox - Mare, by
Bethell's Castaway).
Sire Line
White Turk. Family 40. Bred by Captain Appleyard he was a full brother to
Appleyard's Conqueror. In 1732 he won the £60 Ladies'
Plate at York, beating Sir Michael Newton's Brisk, Mr
Shepherd's King's Plate winner Dashwood, Mr Read's
Sampson, Mr Hutton's Grey Childers and 10 others. In
1733 he won the King's Plate at Nottingham, beating the
Duke of Ancaster's Driver (gr c 1727 Wynn's Arabian),
Mr Shepherd's
Dashwood (b c 1727
Chandos' Turk) and Sir M Newton's Brisk. He won
several other Plates as well. He was likely the sire of
Jenny Cameron* (b f 1742) an early American matriarch. |