

Bolton Starling

Starling [Ancaster] gr c 1738 (Bolton Starling - Ringbone,
by Croft's Partner).
Sire Line
White Turk. Family
2-a. Bred in Yorkshire by John Croft at Barforth, he was
purchased at five years of age by Mr Martindale and
prior to the 1747 turf season by Peregrine Bertie
(1714-1778), 3rd Duke of Ancaster, a member of the
Jockey Club and Master of the Horse to King George III.
Starling was said to stand 14 hands 2 and 3/4 inches, and to
have been undefeated when carrying 11 or 12 stone. By
1745 he had amassed a string of victories in King's
Plates and Fifties which perhaps induced
Mr Martindale to issue a challenge to any horse
in England. Lord Portmore accepted with
Babraham (b c 1738
Godolphin Arabian)
and the race was run in May of 1746 at Newmarket.
Starling is said to have won easily.
He retired to the Duke's stud at
Grimsthorpe Castle, Lincolnshire, and got several
good runners along with some useful daughters. He
probably covered as a private stallion until 1759 when
he was advertised to stand at Croyden, Surrey, for a fee
of £2. His last offspring recorded in the General
Stud Book arrived in 1758. The Turf
Register notes that Starling died around 1760 or 1761
[Pick 1:76] although the General Stud Book
says he died at Croyden in 1764 [GSB 1:395].
Starling |
Bolton Starling |
Bay Bolton |
Grey Hautboy |
Makeless Mare |
Camilla's Dam |
Brother to Grey Grantham |
Old Lady |
Ringbone |
Croft's Partner |
Jigg |
Sister to Mixbury |
Lusty Thornton |
Hampton Court Cripple Barb |
Chesnut Thornton |
Race Record |
1743 he finished 4th for £50 at Epsom in May, won by
Mr Langhorne's Venture (ch c 1738 Oroonoko),
with Sir M Wyvill's Garnet (br c 1738
Young Belgrade) placing 2nd, Lord Essex's
Dimple (bl c 1738 Blacklegs) 3rd, the Duke of
Beaufort's Dapper (gr c 1738 Hampton Court
Childers) 5th, Lord Weymouth's Neptune (gr c
1738 Crab)
6th, Lord W Manners's bl c Black Jack 7th, Mr Hamley's gr c 8th, Mr Ashley's Long Looked For
(b c 1738
9th and Mr Thompson's Quiet (b g 1738 Quiet
Cuddy) 10th. Won £50 at Reading in July, beating Mr Edwards's ch f Welsh
Lady, Sir Harry Harpur's Turpin (b c 1737
Smales's Childers) and Mr Roberts's ch
c Little John. Won £50 at Oxford in August,
beating Mr Greville's Oroonoko
[ex-Venture] (ch c 1738 Oroonoko), Lord
Weymouth's Neptune and Mr Everet's b f Castaway.
£50 at Chippenham, beating Mr Bilton's Warrior. |
In 1744 he won the 112.5gs
Subscription Plate at Newmarket in March,
beating Mr Routh's Forfeit
(b c 1738
Bartlet's Childers),
Mr Grisewood's Trifle (gr c 1738
Fox), Mr Greville's Oroonoko, Sir Marmaduke
Wyvill's Garnet, Sir J Ramsden's b c by the Lonsdale
Bay Arabian and the Duke of Devonshire's Collier
(bl c 1738
Devonshire Blacklegs)
in four-mile heats. Won the King's Plate at
Guildford in May, beating Mr Grisewood's Trifle,
Mr Aislabie's Bucephalus (ch g
Robinson Crusoe) who was later named Arthur
O'Bradley, and Mr
Roberts' ch c Little John. Won the King's Plate at
Salisbury in June, beating Mr Routh's Forfeit,
the latter withdrawn after the first heat. Won
the King's Plate at Winchester later in June,
beating Mr Aislabie's Bucephalus and Mr Dalmon's b filly. Walked over for the King's
Plate at Canterbury in August. Won the King's
Plate at Lewes in August, beating Mr Ashley's Long-Looked-For (b c 1738
and Mr Barker's ch filly. Won the King's Plate at Newmarket
in October,
beating Mr Croft's Drowsy (b c 1738
Fox Cub) and the Duke of Devonshire's bl c
by Blacklegs. |
In 1745 he won the King's Plate
at Newmarket in April, beating Mr Greville's
Drowsy and Mr Routh's bl c Othello in three
heats. Won £50 at York in August, beating Mr Routh's Othello (bl c
1738 Oroonoko) in four-mile heats. Finished 3rd
for a £50 give and take Plate at Lincoln in
September, won by the Duke of Ancaster's Strip
(b c 1739 Lowther), with Sir Marmaduke Wyvill's
Cloth Carrier (b g 1737c
Young Belgrade)
placing 2nd. Finished 2nd for a 50gs
Subscription Purse at Newmarket in September,
won by Mr Aislabie's Bucephalus,
beating Mr Meredith's
Cade (b c 1734
Godolphin Arabian) and the Duke of
Devonshire's b colt. |
In 1746 finished 2nd for 50gs
at Newmarket in March, won by Mr Grisewood's
(gr c 1739 Bolton Starling),
beating Mr Greville's
Drowsy, Lord Gower's Tortoise (b c 1737
Godolphin's Whitefoot), the Duke of Devonshire's
Collier and the Duke of Ancaster's Brisk (b c
1737 Cinnamon). Won "easy" the above mentioned
match between himself and
Babraham at
Newmarket on May 3rd, with each horse carrying
9st over four miles, for 200 guineas a side. Won £50 at Huntingdon
in July, beating Mr Bradley's
Arthur O'Bradley. Collected 20 guineas at Windsor. Won 50gs at Newmarket
in September, beating Mr
Panton's Veteran (b c 1742 Lonsdale Bay Arabian), Lord Gower's Tortoise and Mr Bradley's
Arthur O'Bradley, the latter having gone lame. |
In 1747, running for the Duke
of Ancaster he won 50gs at Newmarket in April,
beating Lord Gower's Tortoise and Mr Metcalfe's Lady
Betty (b f 1740
Devonshire Blacklegs).
Won the £50 give and take Plate at York in
August "with ease", beating Mr Sowdon's Darling
and 1 other whilst conceding
over 2 stone. Walked over for the £50 give and
take Plate at Lincoln, which was his last appearance
on the turf. |
Starling Mares |
1. |
Starling Mare,
dam of the very good race horse
Turf (b c 1760
Matchem), who
was later a useful stallion, and 3rd dam of Champion
Sire Trumpator (bl c 1782
Conductor), a contributor
to the Matchem
Sire Line. |
2. |
Starling Mare
(bl f 1755), bred by the Duke of Ancaster, never
trained and was first covered at the age of two,
ancestress of most of
14. |
3. |
Starling Mare
(f 1757c), 4th dam of the good Irish stallion Commodore
(ch c 1793 Tom Tug). |
4. |
Sprightly (gr f
1753), bred by Lord Albemarle Bertie, 3rd dam of
Ascot Gold Cup winner Master Jackey (ch c 1804
Johnny) and Woodcote stakes winner Miss Seedling
(b f 1806 Totteridge). |
5. |
Sister to Turf's
Dam (f 1751), bred by the Duke of Ancaster, dam
of Lord March's race mare Rose (ch f 1754
and 2nd dam of his Koulikhan (b c 1772 Vernon Arabian). |